Hedge Evening Watch

Hedge Evening Watch

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As November draws to a close, the first corporate Hedge Evening Watch (HEW) comes to an end. The Hedge Evening Watch began as a flash of divine inspiration – a spark that ignited a small flame in September as Kevin and I tried this thing out, navigating logistics and seeking the Holy Spirit for prayer direction. Then the flame grew as sixteen other people joined us for the month of November in a corporate pilot that left the group encouraged and strengthened as intercessors. Many saw immediate fruit in their homes. Some answers to prayers were so quick it was as if Jesus sat on the edge of His seat just waiting for this watch to begin, eagerly anticipating pouring out blessings upon those who would tarry with Him in the evening watches at their family altars.

Resistance is all but assured when one seeks to take enemy territory. No surprise there. But at the end? There’s this great feeling that it’s not the end. Some prayers like seeds will show their fruit farther down the road. And perhaps the greatest gain of all…

“It changes the intercessor in the process.”

This unique prayer initiative is a school of intercession, shaping us more into the image of the Great Intercessor Christ Jesus as we seek His face on behalf of our children at the edge of the night.

What if a four-week investment changed the destiny of your family legacy? What if a focused season of prayer for your children shifted unseen realities for generations? What if when you said, “I want to be with You where You are, Jesus,” He replied, “Let’s start right here, in your home”?

I believe that the Lord’s heart is burning for the family altar in this hour of history and His eyes are searching for those who will create an environment to host His presence in their very homes. The HEW is part of this vision. As the pilot term of this watch comes to a close, would you consider joining us for our next term (date TBA – probably in the Spring)?



  • Each HEW involves two people in or invested in a household. This is ideally a husband and wife if they are equally yoked believers, but can be a mother and grandmother, father and uncle, mother and family friend, etc. If you would like to participate but do not have anyone who would partner with you, we will try to find someone in a similar position who can link arms with you.
  • Each HEW partner alternates every other night, praying for the children of the household for ONE HOUR in the EVENING (8 p.m. or later) MONDAY – SATURDAY. The timing will vary from night to night depending on who is praying and what their schedule is. One person might pray on Monday from 10-11 p.m. while another may pray from 9-10 p.m. and still another night owl might pray from 12-1 a.m. Kevin and I are partners, so he might pray on Monday, then I would pray on Tuesday, then he would pray on Wednesday, and I would pray on Thursday, etc.
  • Once a week, the HEW partners should endeavor to do their watch together if possible.
  • Sunday night is off.
  • HEW partners communicate with each other regarding what they prayed each night via email AND also communicate with other HEW watchers via an online forum (You can copy and paste from your email.) This creates an online community of likeminded households doing the same thing, encouraging each other, and keeping each other in prayer during the day (your night watches are typically reserved for your household only.)
  • There will be prayer direction and encouragement given each week as a guide, but we will also be open to the Holy Spirit’s leadership.

To hew means to cut, as in cutting the stones used to build God’s house. We are building a resting place for the Lord in our homes.

To hew also means to dig a well. Some of us are re-digging the wells of our forefathers. All of us are digging wells of destiny.

And we are all HEDGING our family in during the night.

Here’s what participants had to say about the benefits of participating in HEW:

“(I gained) more boldness, confidence and a closer walk with the Lord.”

“It helps to foster unity in our marriage.”

“We were inspired to: pray the Word over my family, prayer walk the house, take authority in Christ.”

“(I gained) a greater stir to my fire over my prayer journey over my children and family.  Also encouragement hearing and participating with others when my journey in our day to day can feel kind of isolated.”

And more…

Keep an eye out on this website as well as on our Facebook page for updates for the next term of HEW.

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