Blog Category: Practical Steps

Practical Steps
Sarah Hanks

Interceding for your children through art

The following is an article on Interceding for Your Children Through Art by guest contributor Brittany Roach. Brittany and her husband Benjamin have been an integral part of building up houses of prayer in different cities in the United States. They have a heart for the next generation, prayer, and the arts. If you enjoy this article, you might also want to check out our article on Prayer Crayons. Interceding for Your Children Through Art

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prayer props
Practical Steps
Sarah Hanks

Prayer Props – Making Prayer Fun

One of my favorite things to do with young children is to introduce PRAYER PROPS. You can use prayer props when praying on a shower curtain map, prayer poster, or even while looking in a mirror and praying for yourselves. You can even use them for 1-year-olds and up to early school-age children. Here are some of my favorite PRAYER PROPS and the prayers we use with them. A FLASHLIGHT You can use a FLASHLIGHT

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Practical Steps
Sarah Hanks

Getting Children to Connect to the God of the Bible

How do you get your children to connect, not only to the Bible, but to the God of the Bible? You know the difference, right? Our children can know ALL of the stories OF the Bible and still not have much of a clue about the nature and character of God. If they can regurgitate facts but miss His heart, are we merely training Pharisees? (Ouch. I know.) Awhile back I posted this video on

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prayer caves
Practical Steps
Sarah Hanks

Prayer Caves – Listening for the Voice of God

Prayer caves weren’t my original idea (We have the Children’s Equipping Center to thank for that one!), but I have used them in my own and in children’s ministry for over a decade. Prayer caves is a simple tool to help young children shut out the distractions around them and focus on hearing the voice of God. We do It without fanfare and without excess explanation. We simply believe that God wants to speak to

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pray, children
Practical Steps
Sarah Hanks

Pray with Your Children in the Day to Day

Along the Way: Pray with Your Children in the Day to Day. Deuteronomy 6:7- 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Training our children in the ways of God wasn’t supposed to be relegated to a devotional time a few times a week or (God forbid) Sunday

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