When Bill and Beni Johnson released Bible Promises & Prayers For Children, I snatched that baby up quick! Having read Bill’s book Raising Giant Killers and having gone through his Intentional Parenting E-course, I knew it would be golden.
I was not wrong.

The book is broken up into 31 devotions. Each one has a section for parents to read, verses to meditate on, and a prayer. Then each day’s devotional (if you want to do them on a daily basis) ends with a section entitled, “For Time with Your Child”.
This little section has brought forth some deep, heart-to-heart family discussions. We’ve drawn closer together as a family and have connected closer to the Lord as a family.
I went through the parent portion of the book on my own in a month, but we pull out the family section once a week and spend a half-hour or so listening to our children share what’s on their hearts. It’s been so precious.
This section starts with a question or two to ask your children. They are questions that encourage children to listen to the Lord and dream with God without putting pressure on them to feel like they have to perform or get it all right. We’ve found these questions to be perfect for all of our children, whose ages range from 5-17 (one has an intellectual disability.) Each of them can fully participate.
It then has a prayer that we have our children repeat after us, then a declaration that we encourage our children to repeat as well.
The last part is an activation, called “Do”. These are all different. Some take only a minute, sometimes a bit more time. All of them help to activate our children’s faith, and ours as well.
This little book has been an asset in our arsenal of equipping our children to believe in a good, loving God who does the impossible and wants to do amazing things through them.
Fyi: I get no reimbursement for endorsing Bill Johnson’s books and did not receive a free copy for my review. I just have benefited from this resource and want to share it with our readers.
Does doing a devotional as a family seem out of reach for you? If life seems too chaotic right now, check out this article on How to Make Time in the Crazy.
LOVE this!! I wholeheartedly agree!!