Song Cards- A Tool for Worship
As a preschool teacher, I used to use SONG CARDS for music and movement time. When I began working in children’s ministry, I adapted the idea for worship time in early childhood rooms. And they can very easily be used at home.

So, what are SONG CARDS?
They’re simply index cards with the lyrics to songs on one side and a picture of what the song is about on the other side. The adult places an array of cards down picture side up and allows a child to choose which song he or she would like to sing first.
Why is this awesome?
Allowing children to participate in family altar time by making choices on what to pray and sing helps them to feel invested and important. Children are super visual, so the pictures are a huge bonus. All of the choices are acceptable ones so there isn’t a power struggle waiting to happen when you try and explain that Baby Shark is not a worship song.
Of course, there aren’t always choices in worship. When you go to church, you engage with whatever song they happen to play without casting a vote. Children need to learn how to NOT make choices at times. But using SONG CARDS as one tool in your family altar belt can make worship time with young children exciting for them and easier for you.
You can sing them acapella or pull them up on YouTube.
What songs should you use?
Worship songs made just for young children can be fun and engaging. If your child has a favorite song like this, by all means, use it!
I’m of the opinion that children don’t need “kid’s songs”. They are able to engage with many of the songs adults worship to in the adult service, especially if you add motions! They are part of the family, part of the body of Christ and don’t necessarily need an offshoot of their own (sometimes dumbed down) songs.
That being said, the Apostolic prayer songs work GREAT for SONG CARDS!
For a card using a regular worship song, I would put the words of the chorus on the back and a clip-art picture on the front.
Some Practical Tips
- A recipe box is a great place to keep these cards.
- They will likely get a lot of use, so laminating is a great idea. If you don’t have access to a laminator, you can cover them with packing tape or put them in Ziplock bags.
- Feel free to change out the songs periodically, but realize that you might get bored of singing the same songs long before your children do.
When it’s time to pull out the SONG CARDS, pull a handful out and lay them picture side up. Have your children sit down in front of the cards, then choose someone to pick the first card. Sing that song together, then let another child choose (If you are doing this with only one child, he/she can keep choosing or you can take turns.) Add motions if you’re comfortable. If your child is super young or shy and won’t sing, don’t worry! Just sing over him. Let the words of truth penetrate their spirits.
We hope you enjoy using this tool in your family altar time!
If you liked this article, check out this video on family worship!