We all know the story of the Triumphal Entry, Jesus riding on a donkey through the streets, shouting “Hosanna!”, young and old alike hailing Him as the Messiah.
But this passage is more than a historical account of a fulfilled prophesy (Zechariah 9:9). It’s a picture of how He comes and where He wants His presence to rest.
The account in Matthew 21 adds a detail that is absent in other gospels.
“As soon as you enter the village, you will find a donkey tethered along with her young colt. Untie them both and bring them to Me. And if anyone stops you and asks ‘What are you doing?’ just tell them ‘The Lord of All needs them.’ and he will let you take them.” Matthew 21:2-3, TPT

Here we see that Jesus didn’t just ask for a colt, a young donkey. He asked for its mother as well. In Mark 11 we learn that the colt was so young it had never been ridden, so scholars say Jesus asked for its mother to calm the young animal in the midst of the noisy crowd.
Only when we look at this language, we see a beautiful picture of the Jesus’ presence being ushered in through the next generation. This wasn’t a teenage donkey; it was very young. Jesus chose to come this way, on the back of the child.
We speak this way a lot in the church, saying that revival is coming to the youth, through the youth. Yes! He wants to usher His presence in on and through the next generation, and He will pour His spirit out on the young adults, the teens, the elementary school students, the preschoolers. This is the vehicle He has chosen to ride – the least of these.
And yet, what about the mothers? Fathers? Grandparents? The older generation? Are they destined to be left behind? Will they be stuck in their stalls and miss the great move of God?
Oh no.
That Mama donkey was right there in the thick of the moment. She wasn’t forgotten. Not neglected.
Untie them both and bring them to Me.
The Lord of All needs them.
He wants to unite the generations together, ushering in His presence on the young and the old.
“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions. ” Joel 2:28
Parents, He wants you. We need you. Grandparents, you are necessary. And the older generations bringing the younger generations before Him is a beautiful display of His heart for ALL flesh.
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