Declarations for Children

Declarations for Children

Declarations are just as important for children to speak forth over themselves as they are for parents to speak over their children. Training your children to decree life over themselves equips them for victory, not only in the day to day, but for decades to come.

I encourage you to confront death spewing forth from your child’s mouth. If he says, “I’m stupid,” don’t let it slide. If she says, “I’m ugly,” don’t just shrug it off. Denying the lies of the enemy yourself is one thing; Teaching your children to speak truth over themselves is another. Train them to open their mouths and say the words.

Our family has a dry erase board in our dining room. In addition to writing what’s for dinner each day (and thereby avoiding answering the question over and over), we write one of the declarations from the Word. Before we pray over our dinner, we say the declaration out loud together. Yeah, sometimes it’s a bit cheesy, but the Word is seed, and we’re planting that seed in our hearts daily.

However you choose to incorporate it, we encourage you to make declarations a part of your family culture.

You can find declarations all throughout the Word of God. Once you start looking for them, you’ll be surprised at just how abundant they are. Here are 11 great declarations for children taken from The Passion Translation to get you started.

1. I have more than enough because You are more than enough.

2 Corinthians 9:8 TPT – Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.


2. I will dream God-sized dreams because nothing is impossible with You.

Luke 1:37 TPT – Not one promise from God is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with God!


3. Thank You God that You are easy to please.

Psalm 25:8 TPT– When people turn to you, they discover how easy you are to please—so faithful and true!


4. God is true to His promises. His Word can be trusted.

Psalm 33:4 TPT: For God’s Word is something to sing about!
He is true to his promises, his word can be trusted,
and everything he does is reliable and right.

There is something in the heart of a child that wants to come to the Father. Our job is to clear a path and get out of the way. 16 300x300 - Declarations for Children

5. God’s path for me is perfect.

Psalm 18:30 TPT– What a God you are! Your path for me has been perfect!
All your promises have proven true.


6. God delights in every step I take to follow Him.

Psalm 37:23 TPT – The steps of the God-pursuing ones
follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord,
and God delights in every step they take to follow him.

There is something in the heart of a child that wants to come to the Father. Our job is to clear a path and get out of the way. 19 300x300 - Declarations for Children

7. I will seek the Lord and I will never lack any good thing.

Psalm 34:10 TPT – Even the strong and the wealthy grow weak and hungry,
but those who passionately pursue the Lord will never lack any good thing.


8. I can find His love anywhere and everywhere.

Psalm 33:5 TPT– The Lord loves seeing justice on the earth.
Anywhere and everywhere you can find his faithful, unfailing love!


9. I will always triumph as I trust His promises.

Psalm 56:4 TPT – What harm could a man bring to me?
With God on my side I will not be afraid of what comes.
The roaring praises of God fill my heart,
and I will always triumph as I trust his promises.

There is something in the heart of a child that wants to come to the Father. Our job is to clear a path and get out of the way. 22 300x300 - Declarations for Children

10. With God on my side I will not be afraid of what comes.

Psalm 56:11 TPT– What harm could man do to me?
With God on my side I will not be afraid of what comes.


11. You love to give me victory for You take great delight in me.

Psalm 44:3 TPT – Our forefathers didn’t win these battles by their own strength or their own skill or strategy.
But it was through the shining forth of your radiant presence
and the display of your mighty power.
You loved to give them victory,
for you took great delight in them.

There is something in the heart of a child that wants to come to the Father. Our job is to clear a path and get out of the way. 24 300x300 - Declarations for Children

Did you enjoy this article? You might like this previous article on The Power of Declaration in the Mouths of Children or this one about Declarations for Parents.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Nikki

    I am loving your blog!! Thank you so much for this amazing template for teaching our kids how to declare God’s Word over their lives! I’m sharing it with all of my friends! May God bless you with lasting fruit!!

    1. Sarah Hanks

      Thank you for sharing and for your blessing. May God bless your family.

  2. Susan Baldwin

    Hi Sarah, this is great. Is there a printable version of this declarations for children? Our church printed this from the webpage to hand out to parents at a Parent Prayer Night we had on Monday, but the separate sections sort of bled into one another. Thanks

    1. Sarah Hanks

      I don’t have one at this time, but that’s a great idea. I’ll have to create one. There is a book available on Amazon full of these declarations.

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