Five Prayers Children Can Pray Against the Coronavirus

Five Prayers Children Can Pray Against the Coronavirus

Here are five prayers children can pray against the coronavirus.

Though it may seem like the earth is tilting, God never falls off His throne. While fear snowballs in the nations, God is calling us to stand firm in His peace and to make our homes sanctuaries of faith, hope, and love. Children are not helpless during this time; They are powerful. Here are five prayers children can pray against the coronavirus.

Corona virus, prayer

1. Praying for Peace

YOUNG CHILDREN: Give us peace.


God’s peace enables us to rest during the storm.

When we are worried, we can’t lie down and get comfy because we are scared God won’t take care of us. But when we have peace, we can lay down and get nice and comfy knowing that God is taking care of us.

You can use a pillow to pray this prayer. Toss it around and pray for people you know who need God’s peace right now.

OLDER CHILDREN: Encourage older children to look up and read the following verses and then tell God what they are asking for in their own words.

Psalm 4:8, John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7

2. Praying for Courage

YOUNG CHILDREN: Give us courage.

courage - Five Prayers Children Can Pray Against the Coronavirus

We can be brave because we know that God is with us. Praying for courage to combat fear is a great way to build faith and confidence in our God and His care for us.

You can use a cape to pray this prayer. Put it on your child and have her run, yelling “Give us courage!” Our pray for specific people that may be dealing with a lot of fear. Pray for nurses and doctors, the elderly, widows, people who are out of work right now, etc. Pray for God to give them courage and show that He is with them.

OLDER CHILDREN: Encourage older children to look up and read the following verses and then tell God what they are asking for in their own words.

Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 27:1, Joshua 1:9

3. Praying for Hope

YOUNG CHILDREN: Fill us with hope.

hope - Five Prayers Children Can Pray Against the Coronavirus

HOPE is desperately needed in times like these. Hope means believing that God is going to do GOOD things. Believing that no virus has the last word and that our futures are GOOD ones full of God’s faithfulness.

You can pray this using a balloon as a prayer prop. Blow it up and toss it or bat it around, praying for different people that come to your mind each time your hand touches the balloon. “Fill Grandpa with hope!”, “Fill Mommy with hope!”, “Fill my teacher with hope!”, “Fill our country with hope!”

OLDER CHILDREN: Encourage older children to look up and read the following verses and then tell God what they are asking for in their own words.

Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 15:13

4. Praying Against the Virus

YOUNG CHILDREN: Push back the coronavirus/sickness.

push back

We pray “Push back the darkness” often, and this prayer is a spin off of that. Children can pray for God to push the sickness back away from their city, nation, and earth. You can pray this with a pushing motion and a strong voice.

OLDER CHILDREN: Encourage older children to look up and read the following verses and then tell God what they are asking for in their own words.

Exodus 23:25, Isaiah 53:4, Psalm 91

5. Praying for Wisdom

YOUNG CHILDREN: Give us wisdom and revelation.


Children can pray for wisdom and revelation for parents and governmental leaders. They can pray that leaders will know what to do and when to do it, that they would hear God’s voice telling them the smartest thing to do in the situation.

Children can pray this using these motions: pointing to their heads/brains when they say “wisdom”, then covering their eyes (they can do this without touching their faces) during “and”, then removing their hands when they say “revelation”.

OLDER CHILDREN: Encourage older children to look up and read the following verse and then tell God what they are asking for in their own words.

Ephesians 1:17

For more prayers to pray with your children, see this article.

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